Monday, May 24, 2010

Notes on New Paintings:

For many years I have been interested in the concept of time, the passing of time, and how it can be represented in a visual context. I want to convey an atmospheric poetry of sorts, and capture a moment, a change in light and perception.

To quote someone near and dear to me, fellow artist, my niece Sarah said of the new works:

" show a kind of evolution of light - by that I mean the skyscapes are kind of like light at its most spectacular/expressive and then you zoom in/out to these moments in space where the light seems to be just being born.
They make me realise something about the relationship between light and time - I don't mean in the simple sense of the sun passing across the sky - but something else that I can't quite put my finger on but which is to do with this evolution of light."

It is a challenge that I am enjoying very much.